
What are the benefits of couples counseling?

  • Couples counseling is great for communication problems and for learning how to listen and feel heard to have a more joy-filled and satisfying relationship.
  • Heal issues of betrayal and conflict to bring more love into the relationship.
  • To ignite fun and passion or to talk about sexual difficulties in a safe, supportive environment.
  • Couples seek counseling to help with communication, repressed feelings, to preempt anticipated problems, history of abuse, child rearing differences, infidelity, to repair feelings of betrayal, or conflict, a partner with mental illness or addiction issues. Some seek counsel pre or post pregnancy or separation/divorce.
  • Counseling is also a great way to build intimacy heighten sexual connection.
Isn’t couple’s counseling for couples on their way to breaking up?

  • Counseling is a great support for couples on their way to breaking up to clarify their intentions with each other and complete their relationship with a more neutral or positive charge rather than a negative, angry charge.
  • Counseling is also great for couples that are not on their way to a break up but rather want to learn even better ways of relating to one another. Couples can strengthen their love and consciously create the satisfying relationship they have always wanted.
  • The therapist can help function as a mediator facilitating new solutions to old problems.
What can couples counseling help with?

  • Couples counseling helps with communication and intimacy, so it can help with everything from infidelity and betrayal to feeling closer, more attached and madly in love with your partner.
  • Couples counseling can help with any relationship and can serve to deepen your love and acceptance of yourself.
What kind of couples do you see?

  • I counsel all kinds of couples from LGBT to Heterosexual relationships. I work with newly weds, college boyfriend/girlfriends, long-term healthy relationships, as well as divorcing spouses that wish to have a graceful transition.
  • My specialty is Mother/Daughter relationships, exploring and improving the delicate and extremely complex connection between mothers and daughters.

We are already breaking up, why would we go to counseling?

  • Therapy can help each person in the couple understand themselves so as to not repeat the same mal-adaptive patterns in future relationships.
  • Counseling can help couples breakup with grace and ease so that when you two part ways you won’t feel negative and angry, but rather neutral and as if that relationship had come to completion.

Call today to schedule a consultation or ask me any questions.